Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend Goodness

This weekend was a crazy busy one! 

Clouds on the way home from the grocery store 

Dan doing his fish fry thing.
(Dogs are supervising, of course)

We checked out a coffee shop by our house that we've never been to before. I felt like I was in the show Portlandia while I was there. My mocha was delish though. 

This picture does not show how pretty Dan's beer looked sitting on the window sill.
The light shining through made it look SO red. 
 On Saturday, we stopped over at Dan's mom's house for a little while. We (finally) switched our phones to a family plan and Dan got a new phone. Meagan, my sister, called me to see if I wanted to meet her at an outlet mall to do some shopping. Sure! After some shopping (and no good finds) I stopped at my parent's house on the way back home.

Wee Seamus is getting bigger! 

Our friend, Caitlin, fairly recently moved to Milwaukee after living in La Crosse and Illinois. We took her out to a weird but fun bar. Here's half our group. 

Here's the other half! 

We got a couple knobs for our dresser to update it a little. Now I need to find some pulls for the middle that I like (and that fit)! 

Strawberry rhubarb pie in the oven.
It should be done in about 15 more minutes and then I can enjoy!

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