Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It's starting to actually feel a little like spring around here! Im probably jinxing myself by saying this- sorry if we get a snowstorm- but I feel like we are out of the melty-snow stage and into getting-green stage. I took Maggie for a walk this evening (while Dan picked up our dinner with Nella) and it was gorgeous! The sun was starting to set, which is my favorite time of day, and I was only slightly chilly with the sweater I was wearing. It even smells like spring! 

Oh and if you were wondering- Dan tied with two other people for #1 in our bracket. I was in 4th place! In m mind, this is basically 2nd place because there were three number 1s and then me. I did pretty good for picking teams based on colors, mascots, and gut feelings :) Haha! 

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