"Miss Minster. I like your face." :) Thanks, kid.
I heard (and saw) "Do it for the vine!" "I ain't gon do it!" about a million times. My kids are adorable dancers, so it was okay.
If they weren't doing it for the vine, they were doing the NaeNae (a random example). Also adorable.
Our room grandma and another room grandma were speaking quietly in the hallway with one another. One of my girl's said, "Ms. McElwee, why are they whispering and telling secrets? That's very disrespectful." (We've been talking about respect and how to be respectful a lot lately- it gets confusing. Sometimes whispering, like when in the hallway, is respectful. Sometimes whispering, like to a friend when the teacher is talking, is not. She'll get the hang of it eventually! And at least she's thinking about it!)
"Ms. McElwee is a magical girl. . . " (I fixed a rainbow loom bracelet)
A girl made a bunch of squares on a piece of paper and was going around trying to get other kids to do something with it. She was obviously getting frustrated that they didn't understand what she wanted them to do and she shouted, "It's just like the weather helper. You just color. it. in." (We color a square by the type of weather during calendar time to graph the weather for the month). Someone finally understood what she wanted and colored a few squares for her.
"What are all those dots on your arms and cheeks? Are you sick?" Nope. They are freckles. Some people have them and some people don't.
A girl came up to me, wiggled her tongue all around her mouth, and said, "I feel something in my mouth when I do that. I think it's skin."
During choice time, a boy asked me how to spell a bunch of words. The list included Mom, Dad, juice, music, airplane, and someone's last name that I could neither understand nor spell. He then folded up the paper, unfolded it, and asked if I could put it in a girl's folder to give to her parents. Sure. They will be confused, but sure :)
"Lemme see your armpit!" - I have no context clues. Sometimes they just say weird things that make me laugh.
During group time, a girl started whispering "cats. cats. cats." When no one payed attention to her, she gradually got louder. "cats. cats. Cats. CAts. CATs. CATS. CATS!" Still, no one really acknowledged her (like I said, they just say weird things sometimes) so she stopped.
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