Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekend Goodness

My parents came over on Saturday to help Dan move the cables and internet stuff out of the nursery and into the living room. Now we just need to update the inside, shelves, and hardware on this cabinet thing and it will be beautiful! 

Alli and I went over to Sarah's on Saturday night for treats, snacks, and hanging out. It was a fun evening! And it might be the last time we were able to get together before the baby is born!

Chrysanthemum was just so comfy this morning :)

The diapers have been washed and organized!

Chrysanthemum had such a snuggly day today.
I spent the day cleaning. . . and now I'm wiped out!
Dan worked on the dining room table he's building for us.
Now, it's time to relax!
Only four more school days until spring break!

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