Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend Goodness: St. Paddy's Day Edition

Look at that big basketball belly :) 

The weather was SO nice on Friday! 

So Dan and I went for a walk and got some frozen yogurt. Mmmm!

This Saturday was the St. Paddy's day parade.
I love parades!
The weather was perfect, I was with people I love, and we managed to get a great spot! 

My mom was in the parade with Wee Seamus :) 

And my dad was in the parade with the Milwaukee Hurling Club
(I didn't get any good during-parade-pics of him though)

Dan and I made reuben rolls post-parade. 

They were a delish afternoon snack

I also got some strawberry rhubarb pie (not homemade this time) in honor of Pi day!
I thought it was cool that it was 3.1415 this year :) 

 Somebody (Meagan) strategically placed little vikings around our house that we have been finding randomly :) 

Dan and I took Maggie and Nella for their first nice, long walk of the season.
They were wiped out afterwards! It was great :) 
Happy almost St. Patrick's Day!

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