Wednesday, March 18, 2015

35 Weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks. My 4K kids remind me every day that my belly keeps getting bigger and that she'll be born soon. It's coming up so fast! 
Total weight gain: I'm up about 30 lbs. which to me is a lot, but my doctor isn't worried one bit. 
Maternity clothes? I wore a complete non-maternity outfit yesterday! I had on an Irish Fest t-shirt (it's big on me when I'm not pregnant, but still- I was wearing it!) and then black comfy pants. Other than that, it's all maternity, all the time. 
Stretch marks? Nothing so far!
Sleep: Is the same as it has been. It's hard to fall asleep and hard to stay asleep. And I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. 
Best moment this week: Celebrating St. Patrick's day this weekend was fun! I also had a doctor's appointment with my new ob/gyn (my old one is leaving the practice to do other things). I was nervous switching to a new doctor since I really liked my old one, but my new one seems good so far! As she was listening to the baby's heartbeat, the baby was wiggling all around and she couldn't get a good reading of it. She said, "Settle down in there, baby" and right after she said that, the baby did a huge wiggle! It was really funny to us :) After the wiggle, she settled down and my doctor was able to get her heartbeat clearly. 
Miss Anything? Getting out of bed, off the floor, and out of 4K sized chairs easily. 
Movement: Oh yes. She is one strong little girl! 
Food cravings: Cold foods still.  I had a random craving for m&m cookies, so I got some from the bakery section at the grocery store since I didn't feel like making any, and I've eaten all but one of them :/ They were delicious though! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same things
Gender: She's a girl! 
Labor Signs: I hope I have no signs anytime before I'm supposed to.  
Belly Button in or out? It's consistently either flat or out. 
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. It has been SO incredibly hot in my classroom that I've been getting swollen in there and worried that my rings will get stuck on my fingers. Luckily, as soon as I leave the oven I teach in, my fingers go mostly back to normal. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still mostly happy. 
Looking forward to: Spring break. I can't wait for it! I need a good week of relaxation and organization time :) Also, Dan's mom and sisters are having a baby shower for me this weekend- it should be fun! 

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