Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend Goodness!

We had such a busy weekend! On Friday night, my mom, dad, Meagan, Shirley, Dan, and I went to Paddy's Pub to listen to a family friend play some Irish music. We had fun chatting and being goofy and were out until about midnight! It was a late night for me :) (I stole this picture from my mom :) )

On Saturday, I spent the morning cleaning and then Dan and I picked up his mom to go to the Hmong market. We met my dad, Meagan, and Shirley for lunch and then shopped around a little. I had (super delicious) eggrolls for lunch and of course had to get some spring rolls to take home. I tested out this mango roll cake too- it tastes like pound cake with whipped cream inside.

After we had lunch, we went to a butcher shop on the south side. We got some freshly cut bacon and hungarian sausages. Dan made the bacon with breakfast today- it was very tasty. We have yet to try the hungarians, but they look really good.

I was exhausted when we got home and ended up taking a nap! Naps are a very rare thing for me. . . I just can't fall asleep for some reason- it felt really good to sleep and be refreshed for another late night. 

Meagan, Shirley, and I met up with Steph, Alli, Sarah, and Caitlin at the Wicked Hop for some drinks (well, I had lots of water). We stayed out a lot later than I had anticipated we would- I was a party animal this weekend :)
I have learned that I can't do that any more though. . . after two late nights, I was really, really tired today. I woke up at 7:00 this morning, snuggled in bed awake until about 8:30, and then fell back to sleep until about 10:00.  Luckily we didn't have any major plans today! Dan made brunch and then we hung out with Michael, Katherine, and their babies for a little while. 

Dan got me a cupcake treat :) 

We also went over to my parents for a little bit. My mom made curtains for the nursery with the fabric I picked out. They turned out so cute! I'm excited to get everything in her room organized. 

I'm going to relax for the rest of the evening so that I have energy to teach my crazy 4K kids tomorrow :)

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