Wednesday, January 7, 2015

25 Weeks

Very tired, post-work picture :) 

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: I don't know, but I'm starting to feel pretty big! I think it's because every day my 4k-ers say things like "Ms. McElwee! Your belly is getting SO big!" 
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. 
Stretch marks? I haven't found any yet!
Sleep: It's not too bad. . . I have a body pillow that I usually put on the floor while I sleep- I've been using it more at night, but still can't get completely comfortable. By the time I get used to falling asleep on my side I'll probably be able to fall asleep on my tummy again! 
Best moment this week: Seeing all my 4K kids again! I missed them over break :) I was happy to be back and they were happy to be back. On the first day back, one little girl gave me a hug and then asked if she could give the baby a hug and say hi to her too. :) Also, I got a call on my way home from school saying school is cancelled tomorrow because of the cold weather! 
Miss Anything? Falling asleep on my tummy. Warm(er) weather. . . it is has been cold out there these past few days! 
Movement: Oh yeah! Now that I'm back at school (and not laying on the couch watching my belly move), I don't notice movements as much- kind of a bummer- but she give me some nice strong kicks and jabs to remind me she's still there! 
Food cravings: Donuts and custard still! One of my kids' birthday was this week and she brought in donuts with sprinkles- I may have had one (or two). . . . 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Still cigarette smoke smell! I did make some bacon on Monday (it was an ingredient in a pasta dish) and although it was not super appealing, it was not repulsive! Woo hoo! 
Gender: She's a girl! 
Labor Signs: I hope I have no signs anytime before I'm supposed to.  
Belly Button in or out? Still mostly in- it gets flatter depending on where baby is pushing and how I'm positioned. I think it's kind of goofy :) 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part- things that I normally would feel sad/emotional about pretty much immediately make me cry now. For example, Dan and I were driving somewhere this weekend and I saw a man who I'm pretty sure is homeless. He was curled up with a blanket outside and it was pretty cold out- I burst into tears! And I'm starting to feel bad thinking about him because I didn't do anything to help him. Let's move on before there are more tears. 
Looking forward to: the weekend! Going from staying up late and sleeping in to trying to go to bed and wake up early tires a girl out! 

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