Wednesday, January 14, 2015

26 Weeks

Conversation when I walked in the door:

Me: Hi!
Dan: Hi, how was your. . . Woah! Did you pop in the last couple of days? Look at all that horizontal! 

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: Not sure, but the belly (and boobs) continues to grow! 
Maternity clothes? I always pick out my clothes the night before. I planned on wearing the only pair of non-maternity pants that fit me (with the help of a belly band) that I have. Well, the only pair of non-maternity pants that fit no longer do. Maternity pants (not counting leggings and stretchy pants) are the only pants that fit me now! 
Stretch marks? None to be seen so far! 
Sleep: This past week was a little bit rough. I have had a hard time falling asleep and then I've been waking up a few times a night. It's getting hard to get comfortable. 
Best moment this week: Getting our crib mattress and some other baby things! Baby item shopping is so much fun! 
Miss Anything? Tummy sleeping. Getting up and down from the floor is starting to get just a little bit harder. . . I know it's going to get worse! 
Movement: So many! My belly does crazy things :) 
Food cravings: Aside from the usual custard and donuts, my new things have been pomegranates and frozen raspberries. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Same old things. 
Gender: She's a girl! 
Labor Signs: I hope I have no signs anytime before I'm supposed to.  
Belly Button in or out? It's pretty flat most of the time. Belly buttons are weird! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time! 
Looking forward to: The weekend! The 4kers were loud and had so. much. energy. this week! I have been so wiped out after school! 

Dan had a dream a few nights ago that I had a 12 pound baby boy. In the dream, he came in the room to hang out with me and the baby and was mad because we had a boy but didn't have time to talk about boy names. I said super casually, "Oh, I already named him Castle!" 

Hahaha!! Neither of us watch the show Castle. . . maybe Dan saw a commercial for it before he went to bed? Who know, but I thought it was so funny! 

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