Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Things Kids Said on a Wednesday

Every day I ask a question as part of our attendance taking procedure like: What's your last name? or Who's name rhymes with Wuh-my-uh? (Trick question- I have 3 girls in one class who's name could rhyme with that!) Today I asked them how old they are. One girl said, "I'm four cuz I keep eatin' junk food." (She really is four) I asked her when she will turn five. Her response, "I have to stop eatin' junk food so I can grow and have my birthday." 

One of my girls was started freaking out (tears, yelling, marker thrown) because she was writing the alphabet and couldn't remember what came after "D". I told her to sing the ABC's and think about it. I said I knew she would figure it out because she's a smart person. She yelled, " I am not smart! I don't even speak Spanish!!!"   :) 

One of my boys asked a goofy question- he was being silly and I can't remember what the question was- and I answered it. He asked in a teasing way, "how do you know?" and I told him it's because I'm smart. Then another boy chimed in, "Yeah! You went to high school." I said, "and college". Then everyone started chiming in "You eat your greens!" "You're a grown up" ""You eat protein!" 

A boy in the afternoon class said he wanted to be a spy. I got super serious and said, "Everyone needs to be super quiet. I just got a secret message saying our class has to go on a mission." Everyone got super quiet, so I whispered "Put on your spy goggles and spy clothes." They did (pretend ones, of course). "If you're ready, tiptoe to line up at the door. Remember, we are spies and don't want the bad guys to see us." The line was SO quiet. We tiptoed out the door and then I pretended like I heard something. I had everybody freeze. "I just got a secret message that we have to use our spy goggles to find as many R's in the school as we can" I led them down the hall and the very quietly (and excitedly) scurried around looking for and pointing at R's. It was awesome. 

During calendar time (specifically weather) I asked the kids if it was hot, warm, chilly, or cold so I could move the thermometer on the smartboard. Everyone said "COLD!!!" A little boy very angrily said, "MissElwee. Why do you keep saying it's cold? Just tell us it's hot already." If only it was that easy :) 

I needed everyone to calm down right after snack time, so I let a kid pick a book for me to read. A girl chose Come on, Rain! by Karen Hesse. As I was reading, everyone seemed so relaxed. At the end of the story a girl said, "That was a really long book, Ms. McElwee. But it was good." These kids can be so busy and challenging somedays but I just love them so much. 

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