Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Random Tuesday Things

1. I was sitting at my desk, getting a smartboard lesson ready before the bell rang, when on of my 4kers walked in. I said hi to her and she said, "Ms McElwee. . .  something happened." She sounded concerned, so I said, "Oh no- what happened?" She pulled out this plastic, see through, hello kitty purse from her backpack and said, "This." and walked out of the room. There was a banana in the purse. 

2. During math time, one of my 4kers turned around, looked out the window, and blurted out, "Does the sky look greenish-blue to you, or is it just me?" 

3. A girl in the afternoon class told me she was coming to a Valentine's day party at my house and she was going to bring me a Thanksgiving card. 

4. I overheard a girl tell a boy that he can only be Buzz Lightyear if they can get married when they are grown ups. He responded by saying, "To infinity and beyond!" 

5. One of my kids brought be a chocolate rose because she saw it at the store and thought I would like it. She was right. It was dark chocolate and tasty. 

6. I had a formal observation today. I picked a lesson that is usually really engaging and I chose for my observation to happen during my afternoon class, which is usually pretty mellow. They were super wiggly, talkative, and defiant- the only mellow kid was the one who was practically falling asleep on the floor. I had to stop what was planned and talk about how their day is effected and how we can't get to "choice time" (where they get to pick centers to play in) if they talk and interrupt so much. I feel like it went horribly. I have my post-observation meeting scheduled for tomorrow, so we'll see. 

7. I made eggs benedict for dinner. I have only had it two other time- once when Dan ordered it at a restaurant and I tasted it and another time when I ordered it at a restaurant. I've never poached an egg before. It didn't look as pretty as restaurant poached eggs, but I think it turned out pretty good for my first try! Hollandaise sauce isn't that hard to make either. 

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