Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Goodness

Maggie goes where I go. 
The dog park is FULL of clovers. They smell so good- I love it. 

Since I've been on summer break, I've had more time to do things- like longer play time at the dog park.
Nella actually has gotten tired a couple times (weird, I know)! 

Look at the sleepy puppy after a long dog park session! I need to do this more often ;) 
I went over to my friend Krystal's house and got to hang out with her kid, her sister's kids, and some extra kids who were there for the day :) We went to the park. 

Look at those rolls! 

I had friends over for brunch on Sunday.
I love brunch.
(And I love my friends)

My newly refinished drink cart being used (by more than me) for the first time!

Not the best pic, but it was the only one where she didn't look like a blurry fuzzball! The kittens are getting so playful. I wish I could set up a kitten-cam and watch them play through out the day- they are so adorable! 

My sister, Rosie, gave me a henna tattoo.
She is awesome at it- she can henna pretty much any design and it looks amazing. 

I brought  Maggie and Nella to my parents' house on Sunday so that my dogs could play with their dogs. I was only going to stay for a little while but then I decided to play with the kittens while the dogs played with each other. Then Rosie gave me a henna tattoo. A neighbor/friend came over and Rosie gave her a henna tattoo too. Then we (my parents, Rosie, and Sean-my brother-and I) went over to the neighbor/friend's house and hung out way later than I anticipated. It was a fun night :) 

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