Sunday, June 15, 2014

Weekend Goodness- Father's Day Edition

I took this guy to a Brewer's game for his birthday. 

We had pretty good seats! The Brewers lost :(
But it was only by one point, so in my mind they did a good job
(In Dan's mind, it doesn't matter haha)! 

Best part of the night: Dan left to get a beer and get me a snack. When he got back, he had no snacks but he did have  little bag with a flag and baseball inside. Earlier in the evening, we were talking with the family sitting in front of us and they told us it was their son's first baseball game. They came all the way from Arizona to see the Brewers play at home because the dad didn't want his kid to see his first baseball game at the Diamondback's stadium. Dan got the little boy (who was three years old) a flag and baseball! The kid was SO excited and waved the flag on and off throughout the entire game. 

Friday the 13th and a full moon.
Pretty cool.

Waiting for our youngest sister to graduate from high school! 

My sister is the one working that graduation gown. 

She did it! :) 

Oh ya know, just a typical "Lets beat up dad and our friend on father's day" pic. 

My dad's the guy in the yellow shorts. Usually he plays goalie, but today he actually got/had to play a position on the field. He did a pretty good job! Happy Father's day, dad! You're awesome :) 

We visited my grandpa today too! 

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