Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekend Goodness

Brunch at Cafe Perrin

 Dan and I got rollerblades this weekend! I felt kind of goofy rollerblading around, but it was really fun! As you can see, I tried doing some fancy tricks :) 

This weekend was gorgeous! 

 My brother-in-law's friend took us sailing on Lake Michigan. It was so fun! 

A view of the Milwaukee skyline from out on the lake. 

Sunlight on fruit at the grocery store. 

Another interesting fruit find.
It's a feijoa! 

I'm obsessed. They are SO good. They have a sweet taste with a slightly bitter undertone. I can't really describe the flavor in any other way. They are delicious and I had to go back to the grocery to stock up. Mmmmm!

 Wee Seamus, sitting on a chair at my parents'. Nella, enjoying the ride to my parents'. Maggie, taking a nice, long walk with me :) 

A Mother's Day rainbow! 

I need to make a passion fruit, papaya, feijoa, mango smoothie- how good would that be?!

We are taking my mom to see Whad'ya Know (the NPR show that Michael Feldman does)- it's her Mother's Day gift from us. 

Happy Mother's Day!

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