Thursday, May 22, 2014

Things Kids Said on a Wednesday (a day late)

- A kid started making pinching motions with her hands and I asked her what she was doing. In her best Mr. Crabs impression she said, "Pay up! Mr. Crabs loooves money!"

- One of my kids walked into the classroom a little late, disrupting calendar time. We said hi to her and I asked her how she was. She said, "Well, my stomach hurts! I need some prune juice or something!"

- We were doing a picture walk of a book about trees before reading it. We got to a page that had acorns on it and I asked if anyone knew what they were called. "An adam's apple!!" was by far the bet answer.

- Earlier this week we watched a video clip about trees and why they like kisses more than hugs. I asked them if they remembered why and one little girl said, " It's cuz they breath in oxygen and burp out air." So close.

- At the end of the day, I was waiting with a couple kids for their parents to pick them up. One little guy asked if he could come home with me. I wondered what he would do at my house. "Play with toys." I don't really have any toys at my house. "Oh. Then I would clean up." Perfect. Would you walk my dogs too? "Only if they don't bite."

- I got two types of lovely dandelion bouquets- one white fluffy one and one bright yellow one. The fluffy one didn't last too long :)

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