Monday, June 20, 2016

Sweet Summertime

No easing into summer this year! The first few days were packed with activities!

Dan turned 29 on my last day of school! I made his favorite birthday cake (yellow box cake, chocolate pudding in the middle, chocolate buttercream frosting) and gave him his birthday present (a nail gun).  Happy birthday, Dan! I hope this year is filled with more positives than negatives. Love you! 

We had a wedding shower for my sister. She gets married in July.  It's coming up so fast and we are so excited! 

Not only did we have a wedding shower, we also had her bachelorette party! We got dinner at Maxie's (yum!) and went to Pridefest for the night :) 

Eila and I went to Dan's cousin's fiance's (woah) wedding shower the next day and had some cousin play time afterwards :) I love when these five are together- it makes me so happy. 

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