Saturday, June 18, 2016

Last Day Of School

It was such a bittersweet day. I was super excited for summer, ready to be home with Eila, and needing a break from my high-needs class. But, Urban Day is closing, I don't know if I'll ever see any of my kids again, and last days are always sad for me.  I think the kids felt the same way as me- it was a really fun day with some tears thrown in there.

We went on a zoo trip on the second to last day of school. There were enough chaperones that each adult was in charge of two kids, so it was very stress-free while we were walking around the zoo. The kids in my group were so cute! They really wanted to see the lions (they were exciting) but were thrilled by all of the robins bopping around the zoo grounds. :)

We had an activity day on the last day- it was exhausting and fun! Each class rotated through a variety of stations- hula hoops & bouncy ball things, tattoos & bubbles, lunch & naptime, playground, snacks, and coolest of all. . . the bouncy house!

This teacher's still got it :) 

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