Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekend Goodness

Nella, Maggie, and I had a late night snuggle session on Friday night while Dan watched a creepy movie. 

We got a vacuum as a belated wedding gift this weekend! I was super excited and went a little vacuum crazy. There is not a piece of hair nor speck of dust to be found anywhere in this house now! Haha! 

My mom, Meagan, Molly, and I got brunch and talked about baby shower things on Saturday. 

And then Dan and I went to my school holiday party Saturday night. We got there about an hour after is started and were really worried that it was going to be a terrible party (hence the horrible work party snapchat screen shot). It was almost silent when we walked in the room and everyone was sitting at tables. Luckily not long after we go there, they started playing music, we had some food (and a few cupcakes) and played a white elephant gift game thing. It ended up not being horrible!
We went to Dan's mom's house afterwards- she was having an winter indoor block party. We stayed a little longer than anticipated and I was a very tired girl when we got home. Another busy, yet fun, Saturday!

It snowed a good amount on Saturday night/ Sunday. I made some "snow ice cream" (snow, milk, sugar, vanilla) with some nice, fluffy snow :)
And even though it was probably not the best idea, Dan and I went to Target- I was feeling super anxious about getting our house ready for the baby and felt like we needed to stock up on some things- nesting is definitely kicking in around here! 

We spent the rest of Sunday relaxing.

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