Sunday, November 30, 2014

Weekend Goodness: Thanksgiving Edition

I love holidays. I love the little traditions that go with each one and I'm especially excited this year because I think about how next year I will have my own little one to include in those traditions. My sisters and I like to watch the Macy's thanksgiving day parade and eat snacks together. Dan and I brought over donuts, puppy chow, and bloody mary supplies. My parents had a selection of snacks of their own. We chatted and watched the parade while my dad and Dan watched football in the kitchen.

My Dad is the main cook in our family, so he makes the majority of our Thanksgiving meal. This year, we had turkey (the crispy wings are my favorite), green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry relish, brussel sprouts, and sweet potatoes. Everything was so delicious and I was definitely thankful to have such a great meal. For dessert, we had cranberry fluff and french silk pie. 

I tried to get a good sister picture, but ended up with this! Haha

Molly making parade snacks :) 

We brought Maggie and Nella over to play while we hung out. My parents' dogs, Meagan's dog, and our two dogs spent the entire morning chasing each other around the backyard. By the time the afternoon came around, they were wiped out! 

We rested for a little while at my parents' after eating and then took the dogs home before heading to Dan's aunt and uncle's house for Thanksgiving part two.

We didn't do any Black Friday shopping this year, but we did do some crafting that day! Dan took the top off this little counter/cabinet thing we have next to the oven and put a new wood top on instead. I made a sparkly deer head to go on the mantle. Things are slowly getting festive in our house! 

Saturday night we celebrated Dan's Sister's birthday and then I went over to Sarah's house for a while.
I spent Sunday at Dan's mom's house, helping her babysit my nieces and watching the Packer game in the afternoon. 

This long weekend went by oh-so-fast! Only a few more weeks and then it will be Christmas :)

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