Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things Kids Said on a Thursday

"Ms. McElwee? I like your skirt. BUT do you ever wear a butterfly skirt with a heart tattoo on your cheek?"

"Ms. McElwee. After school you can go to your house and get your pajamas on. Then wait outside- my mom will come pick you up and bring you to my house. Then we will watch some movies and have a sleepover!"

"What's your middle name? What your mom's name? What's your dad's name? What's your brother's name? What's your sister's name? What's your cats name? What's your dog's name? What color is your car? How old is your dad? How old is your mom? How old is your brother? How old is your sisters?" She would have kept going, but we had other things to do :)

One of my kids took the bathroom pass and came running back to the classroom. I asked him if he went and he said no and looked scared. I asked him why he didn't go and he said, "There's a monster in the bathroom." I was pretty sure there was not a monster in the bathroom, and my 4ker was being completely serious, so I walked to the bathroom with him. He opened the door and said, "See! A monster!!" I could see the custodian's shoes peeking out from under the stall :) I told my kid that it wasn't a monster. "It's not a monster? Then it has to be Santa!"

During our morning meeting, one of the kids asked when our friend who was shot was coming back. They know that she got really hurt and had to go to the hospital, but I didn't tell them exactly what happened. I told them that she had to stay at the hospital for a really long time and I wasn't sure when she would feel better enough to come back to school. One kid blurted, "She's sleeping in the hospital? Where does she sleep?" I told them how I visited her and saw her room. . . she has a bed and a couch for her mom and that's pretty much it. "Does she have any toys?" "Does she have a tv?" "Does she get to take a bath?" And their biggest concern of all. . . "Does she get to go to the bathroom or do they make her hold it all day?" I told them that was a good question and wasn't really sure (I didn't want to explain what a catheter is). One kid raised her hand and said, "I know where she goes. The bathroom is around the corner at her doctor's office. Her mom takes her there. That's what my mom does when I have to go to the bathroom at the doctor." I bet you are right :) We miss our friend and hope she gets better soon! Her mom said she is slowly slowly getting a little bit better each day.

I asked a kid what I should get from the grocery store for dinner. He said "Donuts and chicken." Sounds good to me :)

"Ms. McElwee. . . someone farted and it stinks. It wasn't me, but I really need to go to the bathroom."

"Ms. McElwee does your boyfriend like snow?" "I have a husband- we're married, so he's not my boyfriend anymore." "Ewwwwww.  So he likes snow?"

I had a home visit with one of my 4kers after school today. Her mom said that her little one was really disappointed because right before I got there the mom let her know that I would not be staying for dinner or sleeping over.

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