"Rocket ships can only blast off. They can't blast down."
As a kid got in line right after he was dropped off at school- "Mrs. McElwee. . . I have a question" What's your question? "Why do horses run so fast?"
"I'm gonna hit a baseball so hard and get a toouuucchhdowwwnnn!!"
"I have a dog. He's a girl. He's black and big. I can't remember its name."
"Can we have ice cream for snack today?" Oh I really wish we could :)
All the boys decided to be a little crazy instead of sitting nicely on the carpet. I asked, "why do you think we shouldn't cartwheel, karate chop, wrestle, or flip around in this classroom?" Answers: "Because someone's forehead might get a scratch", "there's way too many kids in this room", "my mom would get mad", "criss-cross applesauce with hands in your lap" (which is how I want you to sit. . . but that doesn't really answer my question).
"I can only draw girls. I don't know how to draw boys, so i can't put my brother in this picture."
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