Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Things Kids Said on a Wednesday

I'm not sure why, but the school was buzzing today! Everyone's class had so much energy- mine were not excluded! Luckily, my classes are still pretty manageable when they have extra energy- it usually means extra dancing, which is fine by me! 

A kid in my class keeps telling his dad about a kid named "Jayvon" in our class. . .  there is no 'Jayvon'. No one has a name that sounds like 'Jayvon'. I asked the kid to show who "Jayvon" is and after looking around the room, he said "He doesn't even go to this school!" Hmmm. . . "Jayvon" will continue to be a mystery to both me and his dad :) 

Things kids call me: Mrs. Kelly, Miss McElly, Migelly,  Miss Elly, Mrs. Elwee, Teacher, and a small handful can actually say Ms. McElwee. I respond to pretty much everything these days :) 

One little guy told us he needed to use the bathroom. My assistant teacher started walking with him to the bathroom. Mid-hallway, the little guy pulls down his pants and started trying to pee in the hall! Luckily, my assistant stopped him and got his pants up. Unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way to the bathroom before he started going. Next time, let us know you need to go sooner! 

Before one of my classes started to get ready to go home, a little guy started tearing up. He told me he didn't want to go to bed and he wanted to stay at school all day. I asked him if he wanted to sleep at school- he didn't- and said he wanted to sleep at home. "But the next day, I don't want to sleep. I just want to be at school all day instead." I found out at pick-up time that he really doesn't like naps. 

Another little guy told me that he has an Iron Man costume on. I asked if he meant that had had one at home. He said, "No. Remember how we have to use 'thinking brains' at school? I'm using my thinking brain to put on an Iron Man costume right now. I can't really wear an Iron Man costume to school." 

One little girl told her mom that we have dance parties at the end of each day. I love this! We kind of do. Before we get ready to go home, we do some dancing. Best part of our days :) 

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