Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Two Pinterest Ideas in One Summer Salad

I was searching through Pinterest to find dinner ideas- I didn't find anything I wanted to make tonight, but I did find a way to cut little tomatoes and a way to shuck corn that inspired my dinner!

This salad includes:
My new favorite type of lettuce- boston butter
romaine lettuce
feta cheese
sweet corn
bacon bits
dressing (lime juice from one lime, 1and 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, a little salt and pepper)

So here is the tomato trick I found: 

Put tomatoes on some sort of flat surface- one with a small lip would work even better than the cutting board I used. 

Put something flat on top of the tomatoes. Press down slightly on the top so they don't roll around and slice through the middle of them with a sharp knife. 

This is way fast and easier cutting each individual tomato. 

Trick #2: 

This one did not work for me but I'm pretty sure I did something wrong (or maybe someone on Pinterest is trying to trick a bunch of people!) I'll try it again next time I get some corn! 

So what is supposed to happen is you cut off the bottom of the corn, put the intact part in the microwave and cook it for a few minutes. The hold the top part the corn should slide out and leave the silks inside. It didn't work that way for me and I had to peel the silks off as usual. Maybe I didn't cook it long enough. . . 


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