Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence Day

Independence day is definitely one of my top favorite holidays. It includes almost all of the best components a holiday should be made of. 

1. Anticipation: 
In Menomonee Falls, if you want a spot for more than 4 people, you need to "camp out" the day before to stake your territory. I feel a little crazy when I do it each year, but it secretly is fun :) Some people actually camp out- they bring campers and park by their spot and stay their over night. My family lives near by, so we drive by and when it starts to get a tiny bit busy, we sit by our spot. This year, my mom started spot-saving at 2:30 (earliest ever), a family friend joined at 3:00, I came over around 3:30, and another family friend got their a little after 4:00. You need to stay by your spot until 7:00 pm. 

At 7:00 pm, this happens: 

People rush across the road to the median, so they can set up their spots. You can't put anything on the grass until 7:00 and then leave it over night. We always you a patriotic shark to mark our spot.

2. Family and friends:
My siblings come home, family friends get together, and I love it!

This is only part of the group.

My brother, Sean, and I. 

3. The America-Off
Our fourth of July group started a tradition of having a competition to see who could be "most American". That was the theme we followed last year, and it was a little to broad. This year, we picked a more specific theme (still under the category of most American): The Amendments. We dress up and then anyone who dresses up with us gets to vote for a winner. This year, my sister Molly won. She was the amendment that says no cruel and unusual punishments allowed. 

4. The Parade:
I love parades.  

Meagan and I are dreaming about when we can be part of the dancing grannies :) 

5. Fireworks:
I also love these.

 6. Treats:
My dad makes "Chicken with the 4th of July sauce" which is pretty much just grilled chicken with this garlicy-curry-mayonaise sauce and  red, white, and blue trifle. It's a tradition and they are both oh so delicious!
This picture is old- Dan and I went to Alaska for a summer a few years ago and of course I had to make trifle while we were there! 

I hope you had a good Independence day!

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