Monday, December 30, 2013

Be kind. Be happy.

2014 is just a day and a half away, and like everyone I've talked with, I can't believe how quickly 2013 flew by! It was a good year. Between getting a puppy, moving, starting new jobs, planning a wedding, and getting married, it might be our busiest year yet.

I know that many people start off a new year with a resolution. I remember having to create them in school, talking about them with friends, and then forgetting about whatever it was that I had come up with a few months (or more likely weeks) later. After years of making less than meaningful resolutions based on rubrics and criteria, I gave up on the whole resolution thing for a while.

Several years ago, around this time, my friends and I were talking about New Year's resolutions. We were in our college apartment. Our bedrooms were across the hall from each other- two on one side, two on the other. Like other nights, we ended up congregating in the doorway of someone's bedroom while we were getting ready to go out. We talked about how none of us had any real resolutions for the year because we never ended up sticking with them. All of us agreed we would try to be the best people we could be.  I remember thinking that my resolution would be to be kind and be happy.

I've stuck with that resolution ever since then. It's something I believe in and something I can do everyday. With all of the assessing, measuring, and data collecting I have to do on a day-to-day basis, I like having a resolution that isn't measurable but still makes a positive difference in my life (and hopefully other people's lives too).

That is what is going to happen here. I'll find the kind moments and the happy moments in the details of a busy, stressful day.

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