Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Some People Say Everything Happens For a Reason. . .

I'm just not sure what that reason is yet!

A couple of months ago, our principal held an all staff meeting and told us our school was closing. We were told that there are not enough funds to sustain the school long term, so they are closing it permanently.

We were all surprised- although I work at a charter school, it has been around for a long time (50+ years) and has a good reputation in the neighborhood. All of the parents/family members were bummed to hear the news. Every single one of them wondered why we couldn't do something, like fund raise, to help keep the school open. The board decided not to go that route, which feels kind of like they are just giving up. It doesn't feel like a good way to end.

End-of-the-school-years are always hard. Kids stay up later since it is lighter, they get wigglier with nicer weather, we've covered most of the curriculum, we know we'll have to say good bye soon, and we're all ready for summer. This year, its even harder. Not only are we affected by all of that stuff, but now we are worried about finding new jobs and wondering what will happen to our current kids.

I go back and forth believing that everything happens for a reason and things just happen because they do. Right now, I'm in the "it happens for a reason" camp. I hope that somehow I am on to better things. (Not that this wasn't good!) Maybe I can better impact kids' lives somewhere else. Maybe another opportunity will pop up that is a 100% perfect fit for me.

 Maybe I'm destined to live at home with my parents forever. That's how it feels right now. So much for saving up to buy a house- We were just starting to be able to save up again since Dan found another job after losing his old one. But now that I am (almost) unemployed, we're can't (safely or smartly) plan on moving anywhere!

I guess we will just have to see where life takes us! My family and I are currently healthy, happy, and safe, so overall we are doing well!

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