Monday, February 8, 2016

Things Kids Said on a Monday

I have a hilarious bunch of 4K kids this year! Today was a more mellow day (I needed it after my little chunk was up randomly for large portions of the night), but they were still funny little people all day long!

One of my kids is like a little old man. He wears little cardigans, velcro faux leather shoes, khakis. . . he's adorable. He talks with a gruff voice and answers pretty much any "why" question with, "That because."
For example: Why did you pour your toothpaste spit on the table? (they brush their teeth at school in the morning)  "That because."  Because why? "That becuase."
Or: Why are you laying on the floor? You should be standing in line. "That because."

One of my girls secretly colored all over her mat sheet with yellow crayon at naptime. We didn't see the crayon and didn't know it was crayon at first because of how it looked on the sheet. We asked her what happened and she said, "Me and my mama were walking to school. When we were walking to school we stepped in a big pile of yellow paint. It stayed on my shoe until naptime and then got on my mat." So if I ask your mom if you stepped in paint she would say yes? "Ummmm" Are you telling me a story? "Maybe it was crayon. I think a crayon did it. It fell out of my cubby and got on my mat. And now it's under the table by my nap spot."

We were talking about what to do if there is a fire in your home. I asked the class what they should do and almost all of them said call 911. One little guy asked, "But what if the phone is off?" and another boy said, "Then look all around your house so you can find the charger!"

We were also talking about things you shouldn't touch like matches and lighters. I asked them to name other things they shouldn't touch: cigarettes, anything that is pokey, a hot pan, and keep your hands to yourself (this randomly lead to a discussion about how you shouldn't hit your friends).

The kids in my class this year all think it's funny to call me mama and they tell me they are going to be my baby and come home with me.

During calendar time: "Ms MaElly. Do you know who Batman is? Bruce Wayne!!"

We dance to a song called "Pop see ko" and almost all of my kids think it's called "popsicle"

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