Monday, July 27, 2015

Three Month Update!

Can you believe we've had this happy little baby for about three-and-a-half months?! I've said it before, but it feels like she's been around so much longer than that! She's such a big part of our family that it's weird to think of how things were before her. 

A couple of weeks ago, Eila decided that she likes sleeping with something on her face. In fact, she easily puts herself to sleep (fairly quickly) with a blanket on her face. Although this was a great discovery, it also worried me a little. I would lay her down with a blanket, she would immediately pull it over her face, and fall asleep. If I tried to move the blanket, she would scream until I let her pull it over her face again. So I ended up sitting near her until she was really sound asleep and then sneak the blanket away. This worked when putting her to bed, but after her  middle of the night snack,  I didn't want to sit up waiting for her to totally fall asleep with a blanket again. 

Which leads me to the bunny.

I like to call it the magical bunny because when she seems a little tire, I give her a pacifier, her bunny, and she almost instantly calms down and falls asleep. And I don't worry about her falling asleep with it on her face because it falls off easily and can't wrap around her head. 

It's definitely her favorite thing right now. 

So far. . .

Eila is a smiley little lady! She frinkles up her nose, squints her eyes, and gives the biggest gummy smiles.

She coos and babbles like nobody's business. We have some good conversations about all sorts of things :)

She is one drooley baby. She puts her hands, toys, our shoulders, fingers, her bunny, burp clothes, and really anything she can get her hands on into her mouth.

She can roll from her belly to her back- more easily during naked tummy time. those cloth diapers make it a little trickier!

She loves her mama, daddy, grandmas, grampsa, aunties, and uncles but gets overtired when they all hold her. . . although her overtiredness doesn't show up until the evening after a busy day.

Eila fits in 3-6 month onsies and tops. She wears mostly 6 month pants (her diapers add a little extra bulk).

She likes going for walks, vacuuming, tummy time, being on the go, watching the lights on her swing, singing, and talking to anyone who will listen :)

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