Monday, May 4, 2015

Eila at 2 Eeeks, 5 Days

Dan is back at work, Meagan is back in Madison, and Eila is napping in her swing. It's just the two of us at home now, so it's tricky to get anything done- this girl loves to eat and snuggle (which I love too, it just takes up a lot of time)! 

Eila definitely broke in her changing table! When Dan was changing her, she projectile pooped!  I didn't see it, but thought it was hilarious anyways! Haha! 

 Eila's first couple of weeks were good! Dan was home for the first week and half and we were sad when he had to go back to work. But, Auntie Meagan came the next week to help me out during the day! 

Eila and her alligator :) 

Eila has been growing like a champ! At her two week check up, she weighed 8 lbs, 7 oz! She not only met her birth weight, but surpassed it :) I was really happy about that because it was hard for me to get her to eat for the first week or so and I was worried might not be gaining enough weight.

She loves to be held like this so she can look around and/or chill. 

She makes the cutest and silliest faces! 

In the past two-and-a-half weeks, we have been busy! We've been to the doctor, grocery store, Target, my parent's house, Dan's mom's house, for walks, to meet my Grandpa, Milwaukee Public Market, by the lake, and to get brunch with Sarah and Alli! 

We have learned that Eila does not like being in her carseat unless the car is moving. She cries when we put her in it (unless we swing it side to side). She cries when we stop at stop signs and lights. She just does not like it! I hope that as she gets a little bigger and fits in it more comfortably, she won't hate it as much. 

It's weird that she was born less than three weeks ago. I feel like she's been part of our lives forever!

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