Friday, April 10, 2015

Nursery Makeover: After

Here's how the nursery looks now! 

We painted it a warm grey and it automatically made it feel so much better :) 

Here's the view from the door!
Pretend like the pack'n'play isn't stuffed next to the crib- we're going to set that up in our room and have the baby sleep in there for a little while. 

We found this dresser in my parents' basement. They weren't using it, so we took it off their hands :)
After a couple coats of an orangey-red paint, it was all set for the nursery! 

I water-colored pieces of paper, cut the paper, and glued it together to mimic some of the flowers on the curtains. 

My mom is the master at finding furniture. I told her we needed a bookshelf for the baby's room and a couple weeks later, she found this at ReStore! Dan painted it the same orangey-red as the changing table.
I have to organize the top shelf and blanket shelf a little more, but am waiting to see what we use on a regular basis before I put things away/keep them easily accessible. 

These are hanging on a skinny little wall between the door and the closet door.
When Dan and I lived in Alaska, he worked at the Alaska Zoo. A wolverine, named Jenny, was taught to paint on canvas! So Dan had her make us a couple of paintings. . . which have been sitting in a closet for the past few years. Dan remembered we had them and they turned out to be the perfect colors for the baby's room! Onto the wall they went. 

My mom made the curtains. She (along with the rest of us) is SO excited about this baby! 

Now all we're missing is the baby :) Less than two weeks until her due date! Like I tell my 4K kids: babies get to pick their birthdays, so we'll see when she actually gets here, but I'm ready for her!

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