Friday, December 26, 2014

23 Weeks!

Just a little mirror selfie in a soon-to-be-organized baby room! 

How far along? 23 weeks and 2 days today
Total weight gain: Not really sure. . . it's pretty much all in the area so far! 
Maternity clothes? So comfortable! I think everyone should invest in maternity pants for the holiday season- The stretch is great for excessive amounts of Christmas cookies :) 
Stretch marks? Not yet! 
Sleep: Dan was talking about "Sesame" in his sleep a couple nights ago. . . I think he meant Sesame Street- maybe he's been having weird baby dreams like I have too! Other than weird dreams, sleep is just a little uncomfortable sometimes- I wake up in twisted in weird positions that hurt my back. It's good while I'm actually sleeping though! 
Best moment this week: Christmas! I'll update on that once all of the Christmas celebrations are over :) 
Miss Anything? Tummy sleeping and having all of my energy! I can't be totally on the go anymore! 
Movement: I feel her more and more all the time and I love it! When I lay still, I can see my belly moving around  and it's really cool to me :) 
Food cravings: Still donuts and custard! I can't get enough!   
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Same here too. . . 
Gender: She's a girl! 
Labor Signs: I hope I have no signs anytime before I'm supposed to.  
Belly Button in or out? Mostly in. The top half of my belly button is starting to look a little more flat these days though. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Generally happy still! 
Looking forward to: Having another week off! This week was busy, relaxing, and productive and I'm ready for another week like that! 

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