Thursday, October 16, 2014

Things Kids Said on a Thursday

I overheard a middle-schooler greet her friend by saying "Hey, mama!" The other girl said, "who you calling 'mama'? I don't got no kids."  Adorable/hilarious/true

Every day, for the past 7 weeks, one little guy says "Teeaacherrr! I'm baaaaccckk!" each day he comes to school. :)

We had a fire drill today and a few kids started crying because of the noise. One very sweet girl told the sad kids, "You don't need to cry. There's nothing to worry about. We're all safe."

During station time, one little guy kept slamming his colored pencils on the table to make a loud noise. I was testing some kids and everyone knew they were supposed to stay (relatively) quiet. I warned the kid that if he slammed the colored pencil again, he wouldn't get to use them and would have to switch to crayons instead (these colored pencils are special in our room, so using crayons would not be as fun).  He slammed the pencil again, but before I could go over by him another little guy jumped in. He said, "Ms. McElwee is doing a test. We can't bother her. Give me your colored pencil." Surprisingly, the kid gave it to him. The second little guy put the colored pencil away, took out some crayons, and brought them to the pencil slammer. The pencil slammer started to protest until the other kid said, "Remember: she's testing. Shhhh." And everyone got back to work. It was awesome.

A group of kids were playing with little 1000s cubes at a table. I asked them what the were making and they said "poop!"

A little guy told me he has a new house and his mom is gonna make his new bedroom while he's at school. I asked him if she was going to paint it and he said yes. I asked him what color and he said "spiderman".

A little guy was standing in line, waiting for our time to go to our classroom/ the other kids to show up. A little girl that he really likes arrived. He ran up to her and said "Are you happy?" She nodded yes. He gave her a big hug and walked back to his spot in line.

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