During winter and summer breaks in college, I worked at a daycare near my parents house. I also worked there all last year as I searched for a job in a school. After I found my 4K job, I visited the daycare once around the end of October- during naptime. It was fun to catch up with the teachers, but since I (knowingly) visited during naptime, I didn't get to hang out with any of my old kids. I had some time to stop in today, and luckily it was post-naptime :)
I stopped in my old room- it was weird because the kids in the room were little but so big! Haha- the last time I saw this group of kids they were in the "sea turtle" room and now they were in the "dolphin" room! They were between 2.5 and 3.5 years old, but the last time I saw them was a year ago- they have grown so much! Obviously none of those kids remembered me, but I got a few hugs anyway.
My next stop was to the "shark" room- the room where my old kids got moved up to.
As I walked up to the door, I could hear them playing noisily. When I opened the door, they noticed me and all of them froze. The teacher said, "Do you remember who that is?" And a couple of the kids yelled, "Miss Nora!" :)
One girl was checking me out for a while before she came over to me. When she finally walked up I said, "Hi- how are you?", She didn't respond, but instead said, "Your hair used to be long and curly. Now it's short and strait." And walked away.
One little guy, who was (and still is) pretty shy walked right up to me, poked my hand a little, and blurted out, "I like your nails, and your hair, and your shoes."
I walked into a room of bigger kids (5 year olds) and their teacher asked one of the kids who for sure knew me if he remembered me. He was playing with a car, didn't even look up to see who I was, and said no. He hasn't changed at all :)
As I was walking out, a mom and her three kids walked to their car. One of the girls yelled, "Mom! Miss Nora! Miss Nora is back!" I'm just here to visit for a little bit!
It was fun to see what has changed, what is (exactly) the same, and have my little ones- who could be in 4K next year- remember me :)
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